Competition Policy and Digital Transformation
August 12 - 14, Santiago
This conference is a joint effort by the University of Southern California's Marshall Initiative on Digital Competition, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez's Centro Competencia, Universidad de Chile's Industrial Engineering Department and the Complex Engineering Systems Institute. This international conference brings together practitioners and researchers in the fields of competition policy and digital transformation.
The program of the conference considers three days:
August 12, 2024 (Monday): Competition policy
This day of the conference aims to be a forum for discussion and exchange among competition authorities, academics, and practicing lawyers. The first day of the conference will take place at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez's campus located at Pdte. Errazuriz 3485, Santiago, Chile.
August 13-14, 2024 (Tuesday and Wednesday): Digital Transformation in Economics and Management Science
The continued and rapid growth of digital platforms has generated questions about the consequences for society, business, and the global economy. This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars from across fields to analyze digital transformation from both theoretical and empirical lenses. The second and third days of this conference will take place at the U. of Chile's Industrial Engineering Department located at Beauchef 851, Santiago (Room 401).